Welcome To My World!

I am so happy that you have stopped by for a visit!

It is here that I will try to share with you my creations, a bit of my home, my gardens and what inspires me.

Periodically, I will feature those dolls and creations that are available for purchase on my other blog:


Thank you for visiting!
I hope you enjoy your stay here!

Saturday, August 6, 2011


You are probably wondering....
two posts so close together....
Well, my friend Laura@52 flea
came to visit me to teach me a new way of posting.

I am so bad with learning new things on the computer,
but today a thought I will conquer my fear and do the
second part of this post by myself.

By the way, this and other foxgloves came from out of no-where.
I have not had foxgloves in my garden for at least ten years.
What a happy surprise!

So here is part two of  of my garden tour.
The Balcony  Geranium's on the front deck are spectacular.
I love them mixed with the Diamond Frost and white Bocopa.

The pale yellow day lilies look so pretty in front of the pink and blue hydrangeas.

Lacecap hydrangeas are some of my favorites,
especially white ones.

The fountain is delightful  with it's soothing sound.

Our beloved kitty Mousie rests in the garden.
right now there is cat mint growing all around him.

This has been a hydrangea year.
Maybe it had something to do with this very cold winter we had.

Gardening is one hobby that makes me very happy.
For all of you fellow gardeners and would- be gardeners,
I think you can understand, that seeing flowers grow.....
seeing little humming birds feast and chipmunks frolic,
pretty butterflies fluttering all around,
is one of Gods greatest gift.
You might even forget, that weeding is not sooo much fun!

Thanks for coming along,

God bless,


  1. The garden is lovely Evi..

    isn't it fun to conquer our fears and learn something new? With technology it is always a challenge to keep up for we women "of a certain age..." Every day it seems I learn a new trick.. Someone should toss a treat.

  2. Evi, you've no idea how seeing your beautiful garden lifts my spirits. All my geraniums are now long gone, hopefully waiting out the heat to return next fall. Though I doubt much will survive with the constant triple digits.
    Thanks for the note. So happy to hear from you! ~ Sarah

  3. Yes this was a great hydrangea spring but not such a great summer for them since we've had such little rain. Yours look lovely though and so do your foxglove. I had some appear last yr in my side yard. I hadn't had them in yrs either. I may plant some since the deer don't eat them and hoping my little woodchuck hates them too.

    Hope you enjoyed your new way of posting!
    ps your deck flowers are fantastic

  4. Evi, I do enjoy your garden. When my garden grows up I wnat it to be like yours...so lush and full of pretty blooms and surprises. How nice of Laura to come and help with the blog.

  5. What a beautiful memorial to Mousie.

    I love hydrangeas too. I planted some on the 'acid' side of our garden but they've come through pink, not blue. xx

  6. hi evi,
    deine gartenbilder sind wundervoll. so schöne blüten, das ist eine augenweide!
    herzliche grüsse

  7. Das sind wieder so traumhafte Einblicke in dein wundervolles Gartenparadies, liebe Evi......eine Ecke ist schöner als die andere!!! Und ich war so gerührt, über die letzte Ruhestätte eures Kätzchens........Pablo liebt seine Katzenminze im Garten auch über alles, er wälzt sich darin und frisst sie für sein Leben gern, es ist sehr amüsant, ihm zuzuschauen ;)!!! Und ganz lieben Dank auch, für deinen Wetterbericht - als ganz junges Mädchen durfte ich mal einen Sommer in New York verbringen und ich habe auch diese 90 % ige Luftfeuchtigkeit in schlimmer Erinnerung - man kam aus der Dusche und war gleich darauf wieder schweißgebadet (so etwas kennt man hier gar nicht)!!! Ich hoffe auch sehr, dass die kleinen Mäuse das vertragen!!!! Einen himmlischen Sonntag und allerliebste Grüße aus dem regnerischen Bayern,

    herzlichst Jade

  8. A perfect post Evi! Your pictures are all so pretty! Thank you, thank you for all those treasures you passed on to me and for the delicious cake. It was wonderful to see you and spend a little time...:)

  9. Evi-
    so beautiful photoes,-I too love foxgloves, and have many here.And your white hydrangeas -sooo lovely-and also the blue one.
    The memorial place is so beautiful,dear.
    Hugs, Dorthe

  10. Hi there! please come join Fishtail Cottage's Garden party this week! xoxo, tracie


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